Nixon Studio Rental Agreement
When you book with Nixon Studio Rental, you agree we aren’t responsible if you get hurt or something of yours gets damaged during your session. This rule includes everyone connected to Nixon Studio Rental and agrees with our ‘General Release of Liability”.
Important Rules:
Payments: Pay the full rental fee upfront. You can add extra time without rebooking when you’re here.
Photographer Payment: If Nixon provides the photographer, they are paid in-full by you, at your shoot, the same day of.
Arrival Time: Arrive at your start time and use the first 20 minutes for setting up, if needed. This ensures everyone arrives at a fixed time. This is important since each guest must be escorted upstairs to the studios.
Damages: If anything gets broken or goes missing, you'll need to pay for it. See “Damage Fees” below for more info.
Boudoir Sessions: New renters can’t book boudoir sessions without prior permission. This is because there's a higher risk of damage or mistakes when unattended. We recommend our trusted photographers, Swan and Madison.
No Smoking/Drinking: No smoking, no vaping, alcohol, or drugs allowed. Ask us first if you need smoke for your shoot. Arrive sober, and not under the influence of mind-altering substances. You may be asked to leave.
Pets: Due to wood floors, no pets unless you have permission.
Special Materials: Only paper confetti, no glitter or powder.
Studio Guidelines:
Credit Nixon Studio Rental: Tag "Nixon Studio Rental" on Instagram and credit us for lighting.
Lighting: The backdrops studio light are full-service. You cannot touch them. Adjust portable lights in The Furnished Loft on your own getting tips and help. Learn and experiment independently in The Penthouse completely on your own.
Backdrops: Black, white, and grey are included. Call to make sure other colors are available or order special colors for $50.
Add-On Areas: Catwalk, hallways, or rooftop for extra fee.
Cancellations: No refunds. Reschedule up to 16 hours before for free.
Damage Fees: Minimum charge of $500 for damages. More if item is pricier.
Professional Courtesy: Ask before booking other photographers' models.
Abuse of Services: No stealing, cheating, or rude behavior. Violators may be banned.
The Penthouse location is a series of premium spaces. See its additional guidelines below.
Do not put feet on walls.
Do not lean on or touch windows.
Do not drag furniture across the floors.
Respect weight limits for wooden antique chairs.
Do not hang or adhere items to the walls.
Do not operate freight elevator without Nixon.
Enjoy but use common sense and good manners.
Clean up and return props/room as found.